Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Week 2 of the Freelance Life: Sickness

My lovely wife has been down with the flu/cold/viral infection/mild ebola since Xmas, and I've done a pretty good job of not succumbing to it myself, until Sunday. Now I am enjoying a nice bit of man flu. I call it that because it's not that bad, and I can't resist telling people about it. I think those are the qualifications. Oh yes, and I did actually have a temperature of 100 yesterday, so there.

Not actually had any freelance work so far, but as I keep telling myself: I haven't really made much of an effort yet. Honest. I have a couple of 'irons in the fire' and hopefully these will eventually turn into horseshoes, or horseshoe nails or whatever. Or I'll flatten some clothes with them. Not sure where that comes from basically. I'm kind of just getting myself into a different 'headspace' as the young people (of the 1980s) might say. One where I don't have a 'proper' job, but have to survive through the sweat of my own brow, the gird of my own loins, and the fearless eradication of grammatical error and spelling of wrongness. As Steve Martin once said: "Some people have a way with words. Other people... not have way."

Anyway, I'm working on it. I have written some stories, which I might post here, after they are inevitably rejected by the websites I have submitted them to. Just being realistic, folks. If anything does get accepted, I shall certainly let you know. Oh yes indeed.

I'm a bit delirious. Have a nice day.

Here's a picture of an island. It's in the Adirondacks in New York. I love that word: Adirondacks.


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